Thursday, November 13, 2008

Full Circle?

My last triathlon of 2008 was last Saturday in Catalina. Not my worst race, but not my best.

Let's do the whole full circle thing and show a side-by-side comparison of my FIRST 08 triathlon in March and then this one.

Cal Poly Tri March 08 800 yard: 18:33 Catalina Tri 1/2 mile swim : 16:40

Cal Poly 14 miles 1:10 Catalina Tri 9 miles 50:21
Run 3.1 miles 40:17 Catalina Tri 3 miles 35:29

Hmmm...what does all this mean? From numbers alone, it looks like not a whole lot of improvement was made in 8 months. But, when I look at some of the races sandwiches into those, I see a much stronger racer. My race results are like a richter scale: slow in the begining with peaks and valleys of improvement in the middle, then back to mediocre.

As I have mentioned before, it is time for a race break. I did sign up for Turkey Trot---but that has become my Thanksgiving Tradition. But now it is time for reflection on racing for 2009 as well as focusing my attention on other things, like painting the living room or cleaning the kitchen.

I feel like my foundation is there, but there is a missing link into making me a stronger athlete. So, this week I have gloriously not worked out and I think it will be a good time to refocus and recharge.

Any suggestions?

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