Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pink Bike Blog

As posted on my FB status, today marks the three year anniversary of bike crash/mild concussion/awesome road rash for cred with bike shop dudes at my first attempt at a half-ironman at Barb's Race.

Rather than rehash those details, I am doing what hubby told me I should have done months ago.

Write about Pink Bike.

Last year after the grueling Seattle to Portland Bike Ride hubby decided I probably didn't want to look at my bike anymore and ordered a new PINK bike frame to build a road bike for me.

Awww, so cute, right? He must love me lots.

He does. But, I think he wanted an excuse to play bikes and have random bike parts strewn all across our living room and be all manly building something. He has jokingly referred to himself as OCT. He is not OCD. He just has Obsessive Compulsive Tendencies. Pink Bike Project gave him the opportunity to make a super matchy matchy bike with white accents (pink carbon frame? check. White bottle cage? Check? Pink Duct Tape? Check) and get all type A. I have to admit, the end product was pretty amazing. I love that my bike is super unique.

A couple of months ago as I was driving home from the Mermaid Alameda tri with pink bike on my rack, I did not realize hubby was behind me on the street before the turn to our townhouse. After we parked our cars and met each other in the driveway he said:

"That bike is really pink."

I said, "Uh yeah, I know. And you should too...you built it!"

He said, "Yeah, but when it is on your car bike rack in broad daylight...it is just...pink. Like, PINK pink."

And THAT is usually one of two reactions I get. It's either glee ("ohmagawdiluvyourpinkbikeitssewwwawesomeiwantone") or contained horror ("That is one pink bike.").

Either one works for me.


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