Tuesday, January 26, 2010

There is no SLOW group

I hopped back on the workout train finally. A week ago Saturday I had my first meeting with the Cinderella Challenge Training Group. This is a group that has a training ride each Saturday in preparation for the all-women Cinderella Ride in April. I am planning on doing the Challenge (same route as regular ride, with an extra 20 miles of hills thrown in), because I just really really REALLY want to be a rock star on the bike. And I am so not there right now.

I showed up to the first meeting totally unprepared--I just figured it would be a "Hey, this is what to expect, lets ride the bikes a bit, Cumbaya, blah, blah, blah." Wrong! They informed us we were doing a 21 mile ride. Wha? So, I took off with the first group and we rode around Fremont and had a little hill in there. I am not a great group cyclist, and the leaders kept giving me tips. I have space issues, and group cycling is all about riding close together.

The following day I did an hour and fifty minute run at the Los Gatos Creek Trail. It was the only dry time that day, so I lucked out. My prep for the Kaiser 1/2 (which is in 2 weeks--HELLO!) hasn't been the greatest. I had originally planned on doing Hal Higdon't training plan, but the rain and cold made running outside not very appealing. Instead, I had my trainer set up and did 3 bike workouts during the week and one 2 mile run squeezed in there.

My second training ride on Saturday went well. The leaders decided to split us up in groups based on speed. I asked some of the ladies which one was the slow group anda couple were a little indignant, "There is no SLOW group. There is Fast and FAST FAST."

Fine, fine, whatever, just put me in the non-time trial style group. The ride was 32 miles, some climbing, and a bit wet. I felt pretty strong though. Or rather, on my way to getting strong. Did I mention that I really, really, REALLY want to be a rock star on the bike?

On Sunday my plan was to run 2 hours. Also on the agenda was breakfast with the hubby and going to Trader Joes. My problem with Sunday runs is I usually get a late start on them and by the time I get home, it is time to make dinner and poof the weekend is over. So, my plan was to kill two birds and run to Santana Row where I could meet Hubby for brunch. I tried to figure out a route, and the decided I would just run to Santana Row and then run around the neighborhood there it to make up for whatever time was left.

Unfortunately, I managed to get a little lost. I took one road, and knew I had to make a left on Pruneridge, but somehow got my streets mixed up. Gradually I found my way to The Row, and it took exactly two hours. I was done by 12:15, had a lovely brunch at Left Bank (why hello, $5 Mimosas), and looked at couches with the hubby at Design within Reach and Crate and Barrel.

We went to Trader Joes, Chain Reaction Bike Shop, checked out and open house in our complex, and even managed some Super Mario Brothers on the Wii. All in all, a great, productive weekend.

This week's goal is to make it to one spin class. Oh, and bike early Saturday morning since I can't make it to the group ride. And get some speed work done on the track. That's it.

1 comment:

Molly said...

NICE job on the post-run mimosas! Someday I will remember to do that!

You WILL be an animal on the bike! (I tell myself this on every hill, and every year when I watch the TDF, and so on...) You're already hard at work to get there!