Monday, January 26, 2009

The Food Post

Today was a very "Monday" Monday, so when hubby asked about dinner I felt lazy and said , "Fresh Choice?" Plus, I had a coupon. So, when he got home, we piled in my Sentra and headed to the Land of Salad Bars. We had just left our townhouse complex when I said, "Aw man." Hubby asked why and I told him I left the coupon at home. We both said in unison, "It's too late. We've gone too far."

After I had eaten my salad, I headed to carb corner (also known as pasta, potato, and bread section). As I spooned some mac and cheese in a bowl something seemed different. There were the usual signs above the foods, but what was that writing below "Yankee Doodle Mac and Cheese." Wait? Is it telling me the fat and calories? I ran over to the pizza section--140 calories for a square? One little square? I could eat 4 of those. I think in the past I have eaten 4 of those.

Ok, so yeah, we knew this day was coming: restaurants displaying the nutritional values. Fresh Choice is just ahead of the curve (or regulations---whatever comes first). Ordinarily, I would think this is a good thing--a step in the right direction of a healthy America and lowering obesity rates. But tonight I didn't want to know how many calories were in that hunk of bread pudding.

So this brings me to the long overdue Food Post.

In my just slightly over a year blogging, I have avoided this topic. Why? Because being consistent with eating well is perhaps even tougher than triathlon training.

I wish that I could be someone who looks at food as just fuel for the body and eat nuts and spinach and high in omega 3 or good fat fishes. I mean, I do try to eat my veggies and fruit but eating well is something I have struggled with my whole life. I love food. I love chocolate, cheese, bread, meats! I crave that pint of Fat Tire after a triathlon. All of it. I have tried a couple eating plans--best success with weight watchers, but the group meetings became a bit much--too much talk about feelings and leaders with no personalities. I did the special k diet the summer I got married (though that is kind of cheating because motivation increases with impending nuptials). I keep trying to do Special K, but all that cereal is kinda tiresome. I have never tried Atkins or South Beach. I know what my problem is--I just need to eat. Less. And Move. More.

I think what my problem is that I think that everything needs to change all at what: diet and exercise. So then I go all in and try to keep up with a crazy new work out plan and eating less carbs and more proteins and veggies. I last about two days because it seems overwhelming and hopeless. And then I say, "Screw it." And buy a slice of chocolate cake from Safeway for dessert to share with Hubby and skip my workout.

So, right now I am going to focus more on the moving. Last week I exercies 5 out of 7 days (last time I did that was probably August!). As I continue to workout like this, I will be mindful of what I eat, and then probably late next week I will step back and examine my eating and how I can fuel my body the right way.

Darn you Fresh Choice.


melissa said...

lol! "Move More" is one of the building blocks/keystones/whatever of Weight Watchers. :-) Let me know if you want to revisit WW. I go to a pretty fun meeting. We can brow beat them into moving more.

Mike Deitchman said...

Yes, eat... And work more!

I had 1/2 large pizza, ice cream and lemonade for "late lunch" yesterday. Of course, I had just run 14 miles, and had ridden 121 miles on Saturday. That's my 'weightloss' plan! =)