It's funny...no matter what distance of a triathlon or if its a new one or a course I have done billions of times, I always block out that it's kind of a tough sport.
On Sunday I did a super mini-triathlon which was a 400 yard swim, 6 miles on a stationary bike, and a 1.5 mile run. Easy peezy lemon squeezy, right?
Um, wrong. So wrong.
Swimming THEN biking THEN runnning is just not a natural thing to do. It just isn't.
Which is probably why it is so dang addictive.
So, I signed up for this race with my buddy Diane as kind of a "hey this could be fun and cake, right?" Nevermind that I rode 41 miles the day before. Or that I had only swam 2 times so far in 2012. And I had a slow 10k a couple weeks ago.
The swim part was ok. It was weird doing a race in a pool because I was having flashbacks to being on the swim team as a kid and being the slowest in the pool. I wish I could tell you that this underdog perseveared and schooled the other swimmers, but nope. I am still on the slower side of the swim spectrum.
The bike was ok. Well, actually it wasn't. Of course, I have been (or rather I have FELT like) riding tons this year so I was totally thinking I would dominate the bike. Doing a tri on a stationary bike is...kind of boring...Oh, and a couple minutes in I realized my seat was dropping. I got off my bike, raised it and tried it again. A couple minutes later it happened again...and again...the race officials tried to help, but it was just not happening. It was so frustrating. I had to fix it SEVEN times. And then the photographer came to take pictures of us on our bikes and I told him, "That one DOES NOT go on facebook." That angle encased in triathlon clothes...it is not the greatest.
The run was...ok. Going from bike to run always seems to be a shocker. And my legs were a little fatigued from the ride the day before. Oh, and I was still flustered from bike malfunction.
The take home lesson of the event: tris are hard. So, I have resolved to only do ONE tri before Death Ride. I need to focus on the bike, and I do think that even the small tris are a little disruptive to my training. Also, there is an element of stress involved (race logisitics, parking, bib numbers, nutrition, transition set up), which probably isn't worth it because I have a feeling that in 2 months I may start getting a little loco from Death Ride anticipation.
LESS JILL UP THE HILL UPDATE: down .8 pounds to a grand total of 9.2. Seems small compared to last week's 2.4, but at least it is in the right direction. Oh, and take home lesson is don't have Hot Pot the day before weigh in as there may be some major water retention.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Ouchies, nutrition, core and other "aha" moments...

The picture of my cat, Lily, on the upper left is a reminder that I need to get back to yoga...and just stretch in general. Because I have some ouchies.
I went to a massage therapist on Sunday and she gave me a nice torture session. Basically I have tight IT bands, a knotty piriaformis, tight achilles, tight shoulders. Just tight, tight, tight. I am tensing up just writing this. So, I will go back to my gym and get all namaste. Tomorrow!
I have officially completed 4 weeks on weight watchers and am 8.4 pounds down. The tricky thing for me was nutrtion while working out. I did a 50 mile bike ride on Saturday and discovered that 6 whole wheat fig newtons, a ziplock bag of apple chips, two waters and half a diet coke can get me through 50 miles. I recovered with a no sugar added carnation instant breakfast and a banana. This is HUGE progress for me because my bad habit was having a big old food party after a long workout because , hey, I EARNED it.
I am also two for two on not missing a Thursday morning Mermaid workout. Again, this is huge for me because I hate waking up before 6 AND I really need to work my core.
Biking is going well-ish. My 50 miler felt ok. I felt better on the big hill than I have in awhile, but 50 miles still feels like a long way to bike. And it is crazy to think that before I know it, a 50 miler will be a short ride.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Just Because Your Plate is Full, Doesn't Mean You Have to Eat it All
The title of this post is fitting for me for two reasons.
The most obvious reason is this whole Weight Watchers thing. I spent this past weekend in San Diego because Mermaids had a race there. It was a fun weekend, though I did have the challenge of eating out for most of the time. It is doable, and I can enjoy the food without devouring the WHOLE plate. I mean, seriously, restaurant portions can be out of control.
The other reason is I think I may have overextended myself. I am really getting into the swing of things with training, have a busy work schedule, and am planning a trip in March. I also signed up for my favorite Improv class again, but realized when I got home from San Diego yesterday that I was officially spent. I made the decision to not continue with it this round. Maybe once Death Ride stuff is over I will have less items on my plate.
This was a tough decision for me, because I LOOOVE the improv and I always want to do EVERYTHING. But, I also know where my priorities are right now.
My race on Saturday was ok. On the slow slide, but I am not in run mode right now. I am in, "Let's use running as cross training."
Starting on week 4 of Weight Watchers. Noticing a little bit of a difference. I was able to zip up a pair of shorts from a few years ago, though they are giving me a reverse muffin top so not quite ready. Hopefully by summer.
The most obvious reason is this whole Weight Watchers thing. I spent this past weekend in San Diego because Mermaids had a race there. It was a fun weekend, though I did have the challenge of eating out for most of the time. It is doable, and I can enjoy the food without devouring the WHOLE plate. I mean, seriously, restaurant portions can be out of control.
The other reason is I think I may have overextended myself. I am really getting into the swing of things with training, have a busy work schedule, and am planning a trip in March. I also signed up for my favorite Improv class again, but realized when I got home from San Diego yesterday that I was officially spent. I made the decision to not continue with it this round. Maybe once Death Ride stuff is over I will have less items on my plate.
This was a tough decision for me, because I LOOOVE the improv and I always want to do EVERYTHING. But, I also know where my priorities are right now.
My race on Saturday was ok. On the slow slide, but I am not in run mode right now. I am in, "Let's use running as cross training."
Starting on week 4 of Weight Watchers. Noticing a little bit of a difference. I was able to zip up a pair of shorts from a few years ago, though they are giving me a reverse muffin top so not quite ready. Hopefully by summer.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Mini Victories
Sometimes I get stuck in this mindset: I decide to do something, and I want it happen ASAP. Be it signing up for a 1/2 marathon and hoping for a sub 2 hour time, or wanting to lose X amount of pounds. There is a lot of time, hardwork and dedication involves in those things, but I want it NOW.
Which is not the best way to look at the world, right?
I signed up for this Death Ride thing knowing that I need to put the time in and there will be a lot of steps to get to the point of doing this event in 6 months. Time on bike. Core. Cross training. Rest days. Hill repeats. Balancing the rest of my life and sanity.
So, I am really focusing on the RIGHT NOW and the mini victories.
Saturday was DEFINITELY a mini victory kind of day. A couple friends and I planned a bike ride in Pleasanton. My friend Gina sent us the route the day before, and I (of course) kind of glazed over it. We started our ride at 7:20ish am. The route caught part of the Cinderella ride I will be doing in March. Gina said there would be a couple climbs--most significantly a 7% grade. We hit the first hill and that felt great. Then we hit a stop sign and Gina said we were to go right. Then it dawned on me.
"Are we doing the Challenge hill?"
Gina said, "I think so."
Hmmm...the "challenge" hill is an option for the cinderella ride if you want to add mileage and hills. I did the Challenge two years ago. It was HARD. I signed up for the Challenge this year and was already having anxiety about climbing it at the end of March. And now, we are doing it today? Whoa.
So, I did it...and I think it felt better than 2 years ago! And it's early February! Mini victory----time on the bike trainer, having quality workouts is actually working! Who woulda thunk it?
Another mini victory? Having breakfast after this 50 mile bike ride and not eating my weight in pancakes,eggs, toast, hashbrowns....fill in the carb here. Sometimes I get in the mindset of "Well, I deserve this big old plate of food because I ran/biked/swam/took out the garbage."
Another mini victory? Weigh in was last night. Down 2.6 pounds...Less Jill Up the Hill is on track.
The last mini victory is I finally used my bikram groupon yesterday! Mystery of bikram is dispelled. Not sure it is for me---I kinda prefer the more warm fuzzy gentle yoga and all the sweat in the room was kinda gross.
But I didn't feel like I got hit by a truck this morning, which is ALWAYS a mini victory.
Sometimes I get stuck in this mindset: I decide to do something, and I want it happen ASAP. Be it signing up for a 1/2 marathon and hoping for a sub 2 hour time, or wanting to lose X amount of pounds. There is a lot of time, hardwork and dedication involves in those things, but I want it NOW.
Which is not the best way to look at the world, right?
I signed up for this Death Ride thing knowing that I need to put the time in and there will be a lot of steps to get to the point of doing this event in 6 months. Time on bike. Core. Cross training. Rest days. Hill repeats. Balancing the rest of my life and sanity.
So, I am really focusing on the RIGHT NOW and the mini victories.
Saturday was DEFINITELY a mini victory kind of day. A couple friends and I planned a bike ride in Pleasanton. My friend Gina sent us the route the day before, and I (of course) kind of glazed over it. We started our ride at 7:20ish am. The route caught part of the Cinderella ride I will be doing in March. Gina said there would be a couple climbs--most significantly a 7% grade. We hit the first hill and that felt great. Then we hit a stop sign and Gina said we were to go right. Then it dawned on me.
"Are we doing the Challenge hill?"
Gina said, "I think so."
Hmmm...the "challenge" hill is an option for the cinderella ride if you want to add mileage and hills. I did the Challenge two years ago. It was HARD. I signed up for the Challenge this year and was already having anxiety about climbing it at the end of March. And now, we are doing it today? Whoa.
So, I did it...and I think it felt better than 2 years ago! And it's early February! Mini victory----time on the bike trainer, having quality workouts is actually working! Who woulda thunk it?
Another mini victory? Having breakfast after this 50 mile bike ride and not eating my weight in pancakes,eggs, toast, hashbrowns....fill in the carb here. Sometimes I get in the mindset of "Well, I deserve this big old plate of food because I ran/biked/swam/took out the garbage."
Another mini victory? Weigh in was last night. Down 2.6 pounds...Less Jill Up the Hill is on track.
The last mini victory is I finally used my bikram groupon yesterday! Mystery of bikram is dispelled. Not sure it is for me---I kinda prefer the more warm fuzzy gentle yoga and all the sweat in the room was kinda gross.
But I didn't feel like I got hit by a truck this morning, which is ALWAYS a mini victory.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Um, did my 2012 events just, like, double in size in the blink of an eye?
Um, am I addicted to Active.com?
Um, have I not learned ANYTHING from the past three years?
The answer to these questions is yes, yes, no.
While I did register for quite a few events, these events are ALL training related for Death Ride. Century rides are great for my training because I get the mileage and elevation (for the most part) and they are supported so I can refuel at rest stops.
The triathlon in June? What can I say, old habits die hard.
So the training...it's going. Right now it is all about getting back in the saddle. Hubby bought this way futuristic computer bike trainer thingy (don't you just love how techy I sound). I finally tried it last Sunday. It is crazy. The trainer is connected to a computer and you can download routes from the computer and from rides you did outside with your GPS. The first time I watched Hubby do it he downloaded a route from a ride in Italy. Not only did it mimic the ascent and descent of the ride, the screen (we have it hooked up to our TV) shows a simulation of the route so you are riding with cars and going past the ocean. I was yelling at him, "Watch out for that pedestrian! Don't go over that cliff!"
Anyways, for my first ride I did a 12 mile route from a ride my husband did in the real outdoors: from our house to Mt. Eden. It was pretty cool because the screen showed where you were riding in Google maps. It was pretty close to the route except I think the GPS got confused at intersections because the trainer went on a major incline at some intersections. Like, 10%! I got a lit bored looking at the google maps, so switched over to The Devil Wears Prada. The downside to that is the hills are a bit of a surprise.
I tried to do it again today on my lunchtime ride, and forgot all the instructions hubby gave me. The trainer is a Dutch product and is not super user friendly (especially for a non-techy like me!). Finally I gave up and just got on and did my usual interval workout. (side note: hubby just came home and I told him my issues. He said, "Maybe because you were using the keyboard that controls TIVO. Not the keyboard hooked up to the computer hooked up to the trainer." Seriously? Two keyboards? I think he makes things super technical and difficult to mess with my head. Can't there just be ONE button that works WHEN I want it?)
I am also trying to figure out how to mix in swimming and running with all this biking because I think the cross training will be good for my sanity and overall fitness. Which means it is good timing because Team Mermaid is starting its season on Tuesday. I am pretty excited because I am ready for Coach Heidi to be the boss of me and help me on my way to fitness breakthroughs.
Operation Less Jill Up the Hill is going pretty well. I am down two pounds my first week and --more importantly--am really diligent about writing down food consumed. Hubby and I are still on our angry rant about fast food commercials. There was a commercial for Carls Jr's "healthy" turkey burger. Hubby asked me how many points are in that so I looked it up---it would be almost half my points for a day! WHOA NELLY! That is so "healthy" Carl's jr.
The one thing that is a challenge is work. Our volunteers are ALWAYS baking in the house (which is super awesome for the clients we serve), but on the days when I have my laptop set up in the dining room it can be super tough with the smells of brownies wafting in. Here is a conversation I had with one of my volunteers this week:
Volunteer: I am making my Dangerous Dessert?
Me: Dangerous Dessert?
Volunteer: Yup. Its an apple spice cake. And then I poked holes in it. And then I poured caramel sauce over it.
Volunteer: and once the caramel sauce soaked into the cake I frosted it with cream cheese frosting.
me: WHOA
Volunteer: and then I topped it with pecans.
Fortunately, I have had the willpower to be dessert free at work for the past two weeks. Which is pretty amazing considering we have things like Dangerous Desserts lying around.
Um, am I addicted to Active.com?
Um, have I not learned ANYTHING from the past three years?
The answer to these questions is yes, yes, no.
While I did register for quite a few events, these events are ALL training related for Death Ride. Century rides are great for my training because I get the mileage and elevation (for the most part) and they are supported so I can refuel at rest stops.
The triathlon in June? What can I say, old habits die hard.
So the training...it's going. Right now it is all about getting back in the saddle. Hubby bought this way futuristic computer bike trainer thingy (don't you just love how techy I sound). I finally tried it last Sunday. It is crazy. The trainer is connected to a computer and you can download routes from the computer and from rides you did outside with your GPS. The first time I watched Hubby do it he downloaded a route from a ride in Italy. Not only did it mimic the ascent and descent of the ride, the screen (we have it hooked up to our TV) shows a simulation of the route so you are riding with cars and going past the ocean. I was yelling at him, "Watch out for that pedestrian! Don't go over that cliff!"
Anyways, for my first ride I did a 12 mile route from a ride my husband did in the real outdoors: from our house to Mt. Eden. It was pretty cool because the screen showed where you were riding in Google maps. It was pretty close to the route except I think the GPS got confused at intersections because the trainer went on a major incline at some intersections. Like, 10%! I got a lit bored looking at the google maps, so switched over to The Devil Wears Prada. The downside to that is the hills are a bit of a surprise.
I tried to do it again today on my lunchtime ride, and forgot all the instructions hubby gave me. The trainer is a Dutch product and is not super user friendly (especially for a non-techy like me!). Finally I gave up and just got on and did my usual interval workout. (side note: hubby just came home and I told him my issues. He said, "Maybe because you were using the keyboard that controls TIVO. Not the keyboard hooked up to the computer hooked up to the trainer." Seriously? Two keyboards? I think he makes things super technical and difficult to mess with my head. Can't there just be ONE button that works WHEN I want it?)
I am also trying to figure out how to mix in swimming and running with all this biking because I think the cross training will be good for my sanity and overall fitness. Which means it is good timing because Team Mermaid is starting its season on Tuesday. I am pretty excited because I am ready for Coach Heidi to be the boss of me and help me on my way to fitness breakthroughs.
Operation Less Jill Up the Hill is going pretty well. I am down two pounds my first week and --more importantly--am really diligent about writing down food consumed. Hubby and I are still on our angry rant about fast food commercials. There was a commercial for Carls Jr's "healthy" turkey burger. Hubby asked me how many points are in that so I looked it up---it would be almost half my points for a day! WHOA NELLY! That is so "healthy" Carl's jr.
The one thing that is a challenge is work. Our volunteers are ALWAYS baking in the house (which is super awesome for the clients we serve), but on the days when I have my laptop set up in the dining room it can be super tough with the smells of brownies wafting in. Here is a conversation I had with one of my volunteers this week:
Volunteer: I am making my Dangerous Dessert?
Me: Dangerous Dessert?
Volunteer: Yup. Its an apple spice cake. And then I poked holes in it. And then I poured caramel sauce over it.
Volunteer: and once the caramel sauce soaked into the cake I frosted it with cream cheese frosting.
me: WHOA
Volunteer: and then I topped it with pecans.
Fortunately, I have had the willpower to be dessert free at work for the past two weeks. Which is pretty amazing considering we have things like Dangerous Desserts lying around.
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