The picture of my cat, Lily, on the upper left is a reminder that I need to get back to yoga...and just stretch in general. Because I have some ouchies.
I went to a massage therapist on Sunday and she gave me a nice torture session. Basically I have tight IT bands, a knotty piriaformis, tight achilles, tight shoulders. Just tight, tight, tight. I am tensing up just writing this. So, I will go back to my gym and get all namaste. Tomorrow!
I have officially completed 4 weeks on weight watchers and am 8.4 pounds down. The tricky thing for me was nutrtion while working out. I did a 50 mile bike ride on Saturday and discovered that 6 whole wheat fig newtons, a ziplock bag of apple chips, two waters and half a diet coke can get me through 50 miles. I recovered with a no sugar added carnation instant breakfast and a banana. This is HUGE progress for me because my bad habit was having a big old food party after a long workout because , hey, I EARNED it.
I am also two for two on not missing a Thursday morning Mermaid workout. Again, this is huge for me because I hate waking up before 6 AND I really need to work my core.
Biking is going well-ish. My 50 miler felt ok. I felt better on the big hill than I have in awhile, but 50 miles still feels like a long way to bike. And it is crazy to think that before I know it, a 50 miler will be a short ride.
CONGRATULATIONS on all counts. The nutrition piece is a big one. I know lots of cyclists who gain weight during training because they feel the way you did -- that riding a bike is a license to eat anything you want. Sounds like you made a big paradigm shift, Jill.
Thanks Lorri! Trying to stay on target for Operation Less Jill Up the Hill...
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